Dental nurses have an important role in advising parents on children’s oral health. Hazel Coey outlines the main, evidence-based health messages and suggests how nurses should present them so they are taken on board
Dental sensitivity may be caused by tooth decay, a cracked tooth, worn tooth enamel, worn fillings, and tooth roots that are exposed as a result of aggressive toothbrushing, gum recession and periodontal disease. This article explores prevention and treatment strategies for combating dental sensitiv
Keeping manual instruments sharp benefits both patients and practitioners. Helen Westley describes some manual instruments, explains why they need to be kept sharp and compares systems for sharpening instruments
Radiography help us to accurately diagnose some problems with teeth. Radiography is a valuable tool to allow us to assess the bone that is present. In this article, Martin Pybus discusses the use of 3D radiography and dental imaging, with a particular emphasis on the dental nurse’s role
The dental setting is the first line of defense in early detection of diseases such as mouth cancer and hypertension. Dental professionals have an important role in raising public awareness of health screening.
This article aims to review current aesthetic orthodontic treatment options. The advantages and disadvantages of techniques, such as clear fixed braces, lingual braces and aligners are discussed in turn along with some clinical implications for practice.
Oral health care for special care patients with physical or sensory disability can present a challenge and with an increasing number of older people in the population more people are affected. This article describes why there are risks to oral health and gives some tips in providing effective care
Tooth whitening is a cosmetic procedure that is relatively safe and can improve patients’ quality of life. James MacLaine describes the types of bleaching that can be carried out in the surgery and in the home, and their advantages and disadvantages
Good-quality radiographs are essential for accurate diagnoses. Noman Khawaja looks at assessing image quality, common problems and good practice, and Jillian Eastmond discusses the qualifications and training needed by those working in dental radiography
Interdental cleaning can remove plaque that toothbrushes cannot reach. Flossing is not the only method—other interproximal aids include tape, superfloss, interdental brushes, woodsticks and waterjets. Leanna Wynne explains how interdental aids work, and when and how they should be used
Periodontal disease is an infectious and inflammatory condition, with mounting evidence suggesting a bi-directional association with a range of systemic conditions, in particular diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Fotinos Panagakos reviews the evidence, the associations, and treatment options