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Image for article 162510

New dental nursing certificate in endodontics

A certificate in endodontic nursing has been needed for a long time. Not only for increasing knowledge and chairside skills in endodontic nursing but also for recognition of nurses who assist endodontists or general dentists with a special interest in endodontics

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The endodontic nurse and patient care

Endodontic nurses are becoming highly specialised and more involved in every stage of treatment before, during and after surgery, and their essential role as part of the endodontic team is continuing to grow

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New infection control qualification for dental nurses

As dental nurses take on more infection control responsibilities within a dental practice, it is important that they are adequately trained and qualified. Dawn Cluley, Dental Manager/Lecturer/Consultant at Lozells Dental Practice, Birmingham, discusses a new qualification for dental nurses

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Advancing practice in dental nursing. Part 4: journals

This series of articles is designed to help you develop your dental nursing practice. This article, the fourth in the series, examines the importance of reading up-to-date journals, publishing your own work and attending conferences

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Five easy steps to writing a successful CV

A good curriculum vitae is vital when looking for work, so what should it contain? Ian Peate, professor of nursing and independent consultant, discusses the fundamentals of developing a successful CV

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Writing for publication. Part 4: Using evidence

This series of articles is designed to help you, the dental nurse, think seriously about writing for professional publication. It explores motivation, creating interest, structure and different styles of articles. At the end of the series you should feel confident to start writing your first article

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Introduction to dental radiography for DCPs

The role of the dental care professional (DCP) has changed dramatically recently. The current key to success is being proactive and using evidence-based dentistry in our work. In this article, Amanda Byers, regional coordinator at the BADN, discusses the dental nurses’ role in dental radiography

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The A–Z of motivation in dental practice

Maintaining your enthusiasm for work can be difficult. Motivation can be as easily switched on and off for dental care professionals and the patients in their care. The role of the dental care professional is to maintain their enthusiasm for everything they do in practice

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Working in a hospital setting

Keeley Askey, assistant senior dental nurse and lead research nurse, provides an insight into working in a hospital setting