Jill Fogg, a dental nurse who works at a Liverpool practice, has been invited by a dental charity to join its outreach training programme in Tanzania, Africa.

Speaking to the Wirral Globe, Jill explained, "The pain caused by oral disease can affect someone's ability to eat and carry out everyday tasks – such as working and attending school.

"The project's aim is to share prevention messages and enhance the competence and confidence of the local dental workforce.

"This work is conducted in partnership with local dental associations and always with permission and by invitation from the health ministries.”

Bridge2aid’s programme partners with local organisations and associations to share prevention measures and enhance the confidence of dental professionals.

The charity trained healthcare workers in rural areas to provide emergency dental treatment until 2020. Since then, Bridge2Aid has trained and mentored dental therapists in Malawi, offered community-based oral health education and worked with partners across East Africa to expand its training programmes.

Jill will assist the team with training and upskilling dental therapists, delivering oral health education and infection prevention and control training, and delivering treatments where needed.

For more information visit https://www.justgiving.com/page/jill-fogg-africaoutreach?utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=page%2Fjill-fogg-africaoutreach&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=pfp-share
