Christmas is over, the credit card bills are coming in, it’s dark, cold and wet, summer still seems so far away, and the New Year’s resolutions are starting to slip.

Unsurprisingly, January can begin to feel somewhat testing and bleak, with the infamous ‘Blue Monday’ falling on January 20 this year.

But it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. Here are some tips to help banish those blues.

  • Review your New Year’s resolutions. Did you set yourself up to fail by creating unrealistic expectations? Have a think about why you have struggled so far, and perhaps reset your resolutions towards more achievable goals.
  • Be realistic – don’t decide to attempt Dry January and Veganuary together, whilst giving up smoking! Take baby steps – you can always review and modify later in the year – deciding to make lifestyle changes isn’t restricted to January!
  • Go for a walk, visit the gym, or do some other physical activity. The endorphins produced will boost your mood and reduce stress.
  • Do something that brings you joy. Whether that is watching one of your favourite films with friends or family, reading a new book, or just relaxing in your favourite chair with some soothing music.
  • Look after yourself. Take a bath using your favourite essential oil, cook your favourite meal (or have someone cook it for you!), or call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while.
  • Join a supportive community. The British Association of Dental Nurses (BADN) membership can help alleviate some of the stresses in the life of a dental nurse with free CPD, legal advice and health and wellness information, among other benefits. The BADN website has a members’ area where you can explore its ‘Health and Wellness Hub’. Members also have access to the ‘Wellness Wall, where you can read some inspiring quotes and cartoons or peruse some of the healthy and delicious recipes.
  • Organise a fun work event for staff and patients. Take in a cake you have baked for staff members or bring in something special for lunch to share.
  • Get your boss involved. Employers can do a lot to boost mental health and morale in the workplace, such as allowing regular breaks, recognising achievements or even just saying ‘thank you’ or ‘well done’.

It’s time to make a positive out of Blue Monday. Review what’s getting you down and make a change!
