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Are you CPD-compliant?

If you fail to submit your CPD statement by 28 August, you may be struck off the GDC register.

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Respiratory risk for elderly

E​lderly individuals with fewer teeth, poor dental hygiene, and more cavities constantly ingest more dysbiotic microbiota, which could be harmful to their respiratory health.

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Why go to Showcase?

Old-school face-to-face interaction still goes a long way – and as a dental nurse, you know this best.

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Cancer risk and diabetes

​Women who suffer with diabetes face a dramatically increased chance of developing mouth cancer.

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Kids' ads banned

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has upheld complaints against two brands for adverts for unhealthy food clearly aimed at children.

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Processed carbs & tooth decay

To ensure good oral health, experts suggest we should stick to wholegrain carbohydrates and avoid processed ones – especially if sweet.

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BSDHT First Smiles

The British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT) is one of many organisations working hard to raise awareness of the importance of good oral health among the public.

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Dental buddies launches

​Children will be able to spread the 'oral health' message thanks to a new grant received by a lecturer at the University of Plymouth and local charity, Well Connected.

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Mini Mouthcare Matters launch

A pioneering new programme called Mini Mouthcare Matters (Mini MCM) is being implemented at Great Ormond Street Hospital in order to deliver critical oral care.

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Baby feeding report welcomed

​Updated guidance on feeding in the first year of life published this month by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) has been welcomed by the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry (BSPD).

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HPV jab for boys

Dental nurses have joined the call for a swift implementation of a programme to offer HPV jabs to boys following yesterday's advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI).

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Starting well

​The Chief Dental Officer for England has produced a set of online resources for dental professionals, as part of the Starting Well Core initiative.

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Tackling counterfeit tools

​With more than 30 years’ working in commercial, advocacy, technical, communications and marketing roles, BDIA Chief Executive Edmund Proffitt has a deep understanding of the issues industry bodies need to address.