The British Association of Dental Nurses is continuing with its hugely successful monthly Coffee Catch Ups for dental nurses.

Held on the last Saturday of every month at 3.00pm, the Catch Ups are designed to give dental nurses a chance to network, chat with and ask questions of BADN President Jacqui Elsden, Executive Committee members and staff, and to be kept up to date with new developments. The Catch Ups also offer 30 minutes of verifiable CPD.

October's speaker was Jennifer da Silva of Parliament Hill, providers of BADN Rewards, BADN's membership benefits scheme.

Jennifer outlined the benefits available to BADN members under the scheme and explained how to make best use of them – it is estimated that BADN members can save around £529.73* each year using the scheme's special offers and discounts on insurance, shopping, white goods, magazines, energy suppliers, Apple products and, in happier times, travel, holidays, days out, cinema visits, etc.

The scheme also includes a Legal Helpline, for initial legal advice, and a Health & Wellbeing Hub with a counselling/support helpline, articles on physical, mental and financial health, and activities. Jennifer also gave details of the TOTUM PRO card, the discount card that offers BADN members fantastic savings on 250 UK brands online and on the high street. As part of a limited time offer, BADN members can pick up a 3 years TOTUM PRO membership for just £24.99 (saving BADN members £10.00 over RRP*).

November's speaker was Sharon Brennan, of CFC Underwriters, providers of BADN's indemnity scheme, who explained what indemnity actually is (medical malpractice and legal expenses cover), why dental nurses need it, the difference between insurance cover and discretionary cover, why so-called 'crown indemnity' isn't enough and current market conditions.

The December Catch Up – on the last Saturday before Christmas – will feature motivational speaker and team-building guru, Tracy Stuart. Tracy is highly respected as a successful dental business coach and dental team trainer within the UK Dental Profession. The sole purpose of her company, NBS Training, is to mentor and coach dental practice owners and their dental teams. Her success lies in escalating the dental teams' effectiveness and performance through enhanced leadership skills and bespoke personal development plans. Tracy is renowned for successfully transforming groups of individuals into highly engaged dental teams with accountability to drive dental practice results through behaviour. She is also a regular contributor to the dental press and is a frequent speaker on the UK dental conference and seminar circuit.

Attendees at the December Catch Up are invited to wear a Christmas jumper or outfit, with a prize for the best ensemble.

The 2020 Catch Ups also include a quiz, with a prize of 250g ground coffee provided by Rave Coffee, who also provided a video on how to make perfect French Press coffee.

The Catch Up events are open to all dental nurses and are free of charge. However, places are limited. A wide ranging programme is planned for 2021. For more information, and to book a place, go to or contact
