An updated stop-smoking team is set to help Wigan borough residents quit during ‘Stoptober’ and beyond.

The ‘Be Well Stop Smoking Service’ was officially launched in October 2024 to support local people in giving up smoking.

The smoking rate has fallen by 20,000 since 2011, however the number of adult smokers in the borough remains higher than regional and national averages, at around 40,000 adult smokers (15 per cent of the population).

Keith Cunliffe, deputy leader of Wigan council and portfolio holder for adult social care and health, said, “We’ve made significant strides over the past decade, but smoking remains one of our major public health challenges and one of the biggest causes of preventable illness and death in the borough.”

The service provides specialist guidance and a range of options for those looking to quit, with expert advisors who proactively engage with the community.

The team marked the beginning of ‘Stoptober’ – the annual campaign to encourage people to stop smoking – with events in Marsh Green, Beech Hill and Golborne. More pop-ups have been planned across the borough.

Chris Ready, Wigan council’s cabinet portfolio holder for communities and neighbourhoods, said, “If you’re a smoker, quitting is one of the best things you can do for your health and the health of those around you; significantly reducing your risk of heart attacks, cancer and other long-term conditions.

“Quitting can be difficult, but evidence shows you increase your chances of success with the right support – which is where our ‘Be Well Stop Smoking Service’ comes in; offering people the help they need to give up smoking for good.

“As well as providing support for those who contact us and individuals who have been referred by their GP, our team will be out and about across our neighbourhoods, targeting areas where smoking rates are higher, as part of our commitment to tackling health inequalities in our communities and empowering people to lead healthier, happier lives.”

The ‘Be Well Stop Smoking Service’ expands Wigan council’s previous stop smoking offer. It is part of a wider Wigan borough plan to reduce tobacco use and work towards a smoke-free generation, backed by additional central government funding.

Keith added, “The launch of our ‘Be Well Stop Smoking Service’ is a welcome milestone, supporting the wider ambitions of our ‘Smoke Free Wigan Partnership’ with targeted activity, and increasing the range of support options available to residents who are looking to quit.”

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