​Female dental care professionals (DCPs) should be well supported through menopause and perimenopause to ensure we retain passionate and skilled clinicians in the workforce for as long as possible, according to Dental Protection.

Dental Protection said around 93 per cent of DCPs and 52 per cent of dentists are female, and many could at some stage be impacted by menopause symptoms such as anxiety, depression, poor concentration, brain fog, dizziness and insomnia while doing their best to care for patients in challenging environments.

It said mental well-being support, awareness from practice owners and managers as well as workplace adjustments may help female dental professionals continue to perform at their best, and stay in the workforce for longer.

Yvonne Shaw, deputy director at Dental Protection said, “The menopause and the associated symptoms can vary widely; however, we need to ensure female colleagues aren’t suffering in silence during this phase of their lives. Brain fog, forgetfulness, poor concentration and insomnia can make any job difficult, but particularly so in a challenging environment like dentistry.

“All female dental colleagues suffering with symptoms should feel comfortable to discuss workplace adjustments and seek mental well-being support. Providing a working environment that is open and supportive helps to ensure those affected do not feel isolated. Having a menopause workplace policy can ensure wider understanding and provide reassurance that support will be available if needed. Managers and practice owners should consider training on menopause and how the symptoms can impact the well-being of some individuals and the wider team.

“If we do not destigmatise menopause, we may lose many skilled and highly valued dental professionals during a time when the profession can ill-afford it. A supportive culture will alleviate additional stress, enable individuals to continue to perform at their best for patients, and thrive in their careers for longer.”

Dental Protection recommendations:

  • Dental practice owners should consider whether they have adequate procedures and support in place to help staff affected by menopause, for example by introducing a menopause policy, flexible working arrangements, and procedures which ensure those affected can seek support without fear of adverse impacts on their career or professional reputation.
  • All staff, including new dentists and DCPs joining the profession, as well as those who are already practising, should be trained on menopause.
  • Dental professionals who may be struggling with menopause symptoms themselves should seek support and professional advice on options to manage symptoms and lifestyle measures. Dental Protection also has a role to play - we listen to and care for members, including offering support with their well-being and our 24/7 confidential counselling service is available for those struggling with menopause.
  • Practice owners and managers should consider menopause training, including the impact the symptoms can have on working females and their teams. Anyone who is suffering with menopausal symptoms should feel supported, and able to discuss any necessary changes to working arrangements.
