A quarter of UK drinkers are alternating between alcoholic and alcohol-free drinks when they visit pubs and bars, according to a new industry report produced by research consultancy KAM and alcohol-free beer brand, Lucky Saint.

The report, ‘2024 Low and No: Drinking Differently’, looked at evolving drinking habits across the UK, with the clearest indication yet that the UK is a nation of moderators.

The study finds that a significant number of people are incorporating alcohol-free drinks into occasions where they are also drinking alcohol.

A quarter of the UK population are moderating their alcohol consumption through the practice of ‘zebra striping’ - when an individual alternates between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks within a single visit.

When you include situations where an individual is combining alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks whilst not necessarily ‘zebra striping’, the figure rises to two in three UK adults (78 per cent of 18–24-year-olds).

The study shows that moderation of alcohol has become a habit for UK adults, with three out of four adults who drink alcohol stating that they have been actively moderating their alcohol consumption across 2024.

It has been reported that there has been a decline in the number of UK adults consuming alcohol more than once a month, with the figure dropping to 88 per cent in 2024, down from 93 per cent in 2023. This coincides with 11m UK adults (16 per cent of UK adults) trying low and no alcohol beer for the first time in the last 12 months.

According to KAM, more than one-in-five 18-24s claim to not drink alcohol, the highest of any age group. The report also found that 53 per cent of 18–24-year-olds report visiting a pub or bar once a week or more.

Katy Moses, managing director at KAM, said, “Increasing numbers of UK adults are actively moderating their alcohol consumption, whether driven by a desire to improve their physical or mental wellness or to save money. Active moderation (where people are actively changing their behaviour in order to consume less alcohol) is happening across all age groups and all days of the week – one-in-four UK adults say they employ tactics to moderate their alcohol consumption to some extent.

“What’s key, however, is that a decrease in alcohol consumption doesn’t mean a decrease in the demand for great experiences in pubs, bars and restaurants. People don't want to miss out on all the occasions where alcohol is normally present, going to the pub with friends, celebrating a birthday, enjoying a beer while watching sport, for example.

“The research identified that many are drinking differently now when they go out and embracing new moderation tactics such as alternating between alcoholic and alcohol-free drinks in the same evening, known as ‘zebra striping’. The future of socialising in the UK will certainly be less centred around alcohol.”

With over one in three pubs visits by UK adults being alcohol-free, the report highlighted how the UK’s love for the pub continues to endure. The figures show that whilst younger people’s consumption of alcohol declines, the pub remains cemented as the place for social connection.

There is a clear demand from younger people for quality alcohol-free options, with 68 per cent saying they have left a venue early or disappointed due to poor alcohol-free options, in the last three months.

The report also showed the sway a non-drinker can have on the choice of venues, with 65 per cent of UK adults say non-drinkers in their group influence the choice of venue, an increase from 46 per cent in 2023. The figure in 2024 is higher amongst 18–24-year-olds, at 85 per cent.

As alcohol-free drinks gain in popularity and emerge in different areas including major supermarket lunchtime meal deals, the research highlights the UK’s attitudes to them in different settings. The report found that 76 per cent of UK adults find it acceptable for a colleague to drink alcohol-free beer at their desk at work, with this rising to 85 per cent amongst 18-24s.

Luke Boase, founder of Lucky Saint, said, “This report shows that the way people are moderating is continuing to evolve. Alongside traditional moderation moments like 'dry January', people are seeking to drink less year-round, and even alternating alcoholic and alcohol-free drinks on a night out.

"After thousands of years of centring social occasions around drinking – be it a pint of beer down the pub or a glass of champagne to mark a special occasion - we’re seeing a rapid cultural shift in attitudes towards alcohol. Today, it’s exciting to see the continued rise of moderation, the way people are incorporating alcohol-free drinks in their lives, and the emergence of zebra striping.”
